Benefits of Saffron


Saffron; expensive but worthy spice

In the world, 1 gr of saffron can have a price between 10 and 60 euros. It is expensive because the method of harvesting is very difficult and it is enough to think that 1 kg of saffron is needed to harvest almost 170000 of its flowers. Saffron has a fantastic smell and a bitter taste, for example In Iran, people mostly use it to flavor food, but in Greece, in addition to food, its therapeutic properties are used. In this article, we will talk in detail about the benefits and properties of saffron.

Lo zafferano; spezia costosa ma degna

Properties of saffron to reduce the risk of various diseases: rich in antioxidants

One of the properties of saffron that is very important for the body is that it is a plant full of antioxidants. Antioxidants are chemical and plant compounds that can neutralize the effects of substances such as free radicals and oxidative stress in our bodies.

Free radicals are substances that are released daily in our bodies in response to environmental factors such as air pollution or substances in processed foods. Many free radicals in our body can have destructive effects and increase the risk of diseases such as cancer and various other conditions. Therefore, saffron antioxidants are very important to keep our body healthy.

Antidepressant properties of saffron: Crocin & Crostin

Saffron contains important antioxidants such as crocin, crostin, safranal, and kaempferol. Crostin and crocin are carotenoid antioxidants that give saffron its red color. These antioxidants have antidepressant properties and can protect brain cells from damage. Also, they can help improve inflammation in the body. These antioxidants can reduce appetite for those who are interested in losing weight.

Proprietà antidepressive dello zafferano:  Crocina e Crostina

Properties of saffron for memory: safranal and kaempferol antioxidants

In saffron, there are 2 other antioxidants called safranal and kaempferol. The antioxidant safranal gives saffron its unique odor and is also important for improving mood, memory, and learning abilities and protecting our brain cells from oxidative stress. Another saffron antioxidant is kaempferol, which is mostly found in saffron flower petals and has anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, and anti-cancer properties.

Benefits of saffron for the body: mood booster

Research has been done on the effect of saffron consumption on the mood of people and these researches show that saffron has supplements that can reduce the symptoms of depression to some extent.

Although the results of this research show the benefits of saffron for the body and reducing the symptoms of depression, more research is needed to confirm such findings. Nevertheless, these results show that the benefits of saffron for the human body can boost our spirits.

Proprietà dello zafferano per ridurre il rischio di varie malattie: ricco di antiossidanti

Anti-cancer properties of saffron: It can help cancer patients and reduce the risk of cancer

We have already said that there are a lot of antioxidants in saffron and these antioxidants are very useful to fight the effects of free radicals in the body. In the research conducted on the anti-cancer properties of saffron, the results show that the chemical compounds of saffron can destroy colon cancer cells or prevent their growth.

Moreover, the chemical compounds of saffron leave the healthy cells of the body intact. In addition, research on the anti-cancer properties of saffron has shown that the consumption of saffron can make cancer cells more sensitive to the effect of chemotherapy drugs and help in the treatment of cancer. However, there is still a need for more research in this field.

Proprietà dello zafferano per la memoria: gli antiossidanti safranale e kaempferolo

Properties of saffron for women: increasing libido in women

Research conducted on the benefits of saffron for women shows that for women whose libido decreased due to taking antidepressants, their libido increased by consuming 30 mg of saffron per day for 4 weeks. Therefore, one of the benefits of saffron for women is to increase their libido and reduce problems related to infertility.

Properties of saffron for PMS: reducing the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

Many women suffer from PMS or premenstrual syndrome. This syndrome refers to the physical, mental, and emotional symptoms that women usually experience before or during their periods. Research has been conducted on the properties of saffron for menstruation in women, which shows that the properties of saffron for periods can help reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome in women.

For example, one of the researches that was conducted to investigate the properties of saffron for women’s periods shows that women who were 20 to 45 years old consumed 30 mg of saffron daily. In this research, the property of saffron for menstruation can reduce symptoms such as headache, appetite, the strong desire to eat a lot of food, and pain in women.

I benefici dello zafferano per l'organismo: un toccasana per l'umore

Reducing the amount of stress during menstruation

Another benefit of saffron during periods is reducing the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome such as stress. Those who suffer from premenstrual syndrome may have severe stress and this is because the stress hormone in them, which is called cortisol hormone, increases to a great extent.

One of the benefits of saffron during periods, according to studies conducted in this field, is that eating saffron can reduce the amount of cortisol hormone in the body of women and thus, reduce the amount of stress in them. Therefore, both eating and smelling saffron can be useful to reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Proprietà dello zafferano per la memoria: gli antiossidanti safranale e kaempferolo

Benefits of saffron for men: improvement of erectile dysfunction

Saffron is one of the foods that can be considered a sexual stimulant. Aphrodisiacs are substances or foods that can increase a person’s sexual desire. Studies conducted on the benefits of saffron for men show that saffron can have sexual arousal properties for men.

For example, research on the benefits of saffron for men has shown that consuming about 30 mg of saffron daily for 4 weeks can reduce erectile dysfunction in men taking antidepressants. In addition, several other studies have shown that eating saffron for men can increase their erectile function and sexual desire.

Proprietà anticancro dello zafferano: può aiutare i pazienti oncologici e ridurre il rischio di cancro

Properties of brewed saffron: reduces appetite and helps to lose weight

Research conducted on the properties of saffron shows that eating saffron can reduce your appetite, which helps you lose weight. We all like to have a snack or two sometimes during the day.

For people who suffer from obesity problems, one of the factors of their excessive obesity is that they usually eat too many snacks in addition to the main meals. In one of the studies related to saffron consumption, it was shown that women who took saffron supplements for 8 weeks felt fuller and ate fewer snacks. In these women, the rate of weight loss was much higher than other women who did not consume saffron supplements.


Saffron can help people lose weight by reducing appetite in the body

In another study, it was shown that the participants of the study had a significant decrease in their appetite after consuming saffron. After that, they were able to reduce their body mass index, waist circumference, and total body fat.

However, scientists still have not found the reason for this decrease in appetite for saffron. One of their theories is that because of this, saffron can boost mood in people, which indirectly affects appetite and can make you less hungry for a snack.

Properties of saffron for the heart: increasing the amount of oxygen in the body

The research conducted on the properties of saffron for the heart in animals shows that the property of saffron for the heart can be that the consumption of saffron lowers the cholesterol level in the body. It is prevented in the body and this is how the health of the heart increases.

Another property of saffron for the heart is its antioxidant properties. As we said before, one of the antioxidants in saffron is safranal. Safranal is an antioxidant that, according to studies, can significantly help maintain heart health. Also, safranal can increase the body’s oxygen, which helps prevent heart diseases.

Proprietà dello zafferano per le donne: aumento della libido nelle donne

Properties of saffron for lungs: anti-inflammatory properties

One of the properties of saffron for the lungs is that its consumption can loosen the mucus in our throat and lungs and cause them to gradually come out of the throat and lungs. This property of saffron is very useful for the lungs because it helps reduce coughs and colds. In addition, saffron has anti-inflammatory properties and can prevent the narrowing of the respiratory passages.

Properties of saffron for rheumatism: anti-inflammatory agent

Rheumatism is a group of diseases that cause chronic pain in the joints of the body. Symptoms such as depression and anxiety are common in rheumatic patients, and chronic inflammation in the body of these people increases such symptoms. This is where the properties of saffron are very useful for rheumatism.

First of all, saffron is an anti-inflammatory agent and can help reduce joint pain, inflammation, and stiffness. Research on the anti-inflammatory effects of saffron to reduce rheumatic inflammation in the body has shown that this plant can reduce the inflammatory factors related to rheumatism in the body and help reduce the pain of rheumatism.

Proprietà dello zafferano per la sindrome premestruale: ridurre i sintomi della sindrome premestruale

Benefits of saffron for the eyes: dealing with macular degeneration

Saffron with its properties and nutrients can be very useful for eye health and eye diseases, especially macular degeneration. Macular degeneration refers to the reduction of eye power and the loss of visual ability in people, especially the elderly. Foods contained in saffron can help prevent the development of this disease and strengthen vision in these people.

Research conducted on the benefits of saffron for the eyes shows that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of saffron can help eye health and slow down the progression of macular degeneration. Also, research conducted on the benefits of saffron for the eyes has shown that short-term consumption of saffron can help some aspects of vision and increase the thickness of the retina of the participants.

Riduzione dello stress durante le mestruazioni

Saffron helps to refresh your skin

Brightening the skin is another type of saffron property for the skin. When we go out, the air is very polluted. Also, there may be chemicals in the water we drink that have a negative effect on our skin and make our skin look lifeless and dark. One of the benefits of saffron for human skin is that you can give it a fresh and good appearance by consuming it. For this, you can mix milk and saffron together and apply it to your face.

possiamo dire che lo zafferano è una spezia che può avere proprietà benefiche per la salute del nostro organismo se lo si consuma in modo equilibrato con gli alimenti.


We have talked about the benefits and properties of saffron in this article. Accordingly, we can say that saffron is a spice that can have beneficial properties for our body’s health if you consume it in a balanced way with your food.

You can eat it as tea or use it as a seasoning in food. No matter how you consume this plant, you can benefit from its properties for your body. In the Ariaramnes online store, we have provided you with the opportunity to buy saffron online at a reasonable price, and it is enough for you to visit our store to be able to buy saffron easily.

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