about us

Ariaramnes is a company founded by the need to have real Persian flavors available in the country where I have been living for several years.

When I moved to the Peninsula to complete my studies as a researcher and engineer, I immediately missed home spices.

After several attempts with the saffron brands available in Italy, I understood that I was looking for a quality obtainable only from soils and climatic conditions typical of my region, Khorasan. This region is in fact famous to the Persians for a saffron characterized by the highest values of Saffranal, Crocin and Microcrocin, important indicators of quality: when we say “The Origin is Inimitable “!

So instead of surrendering to the consumption of a saffron that didn’t satisfy me and driven by the desire to make known an excellence of which I feel immensely proud, I decided to found my own e-commerce.

The most acclaimed and renowned cuisine in the world, famous for the care in the research of raw materials, deserved to know the scent and color of quality saffron, coming directly from the world’s largest exporter.

Lo zafferano è una delle spezie più costose al mondo, spesso definita "oro rosso". Dato il suo alto valore, non sorprende che sui mercati si trovino molti prodotti falsi a base di zafferano.

Ariaramnes saffron comes in pistils and not in powder like the one sold by many other brands and purchasable at the supermarket. This feature embodies the guarantee of quality that characterizes our product. In fact, powdered saffron, very common in Europe, is often of lower quality due to the ease with which producers can add other parts of the flower other than the pistil, inflating its weight and considerably reducing the intensity of the fragrance, flavor and colour.

Furthermore, all the saffron imported by Ariaramnes passes numerous checks by certified health laboratories, guaranteeing maximum safety for the consumer.

All that remains is to buy Ariaramenes and indulge yourself with new and delicious recipes, giving free rein to your imagination!

Prodotto venduto
Città fornita
Inchiesta ha risposto
Ristorante fornito